Zur Person


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Geboren in
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Zitto Kazann


Zitto Kazann was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he studied at the Otto Krause University. From adolescence on he played professional basketball in the national league while at the same time performing in theatrical productions in Buenos Aires. The theater soon became his paramount muse and he relocated to New York to pursue his promise. After studying on scholarship with Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse in addition to Uta Hagan and Stella Adler, Zitto found his home was the theater. He is presently attending the Master class with Milton Katselas in Los Angeles. Zitto's credits include Broadway with Ingrid Bergman until film and TV lured him to Los Angeles where he appeared as a regular in two series. He never lost the love of theater, however, and appeared in numerous productions where he received two drama-logue awards, a Los Angeles Critics Award and a resounding review in the L.A. Times.

Bekannt aus

  • M*A*S*H


  • Akte X - Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI

    Akte X - Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI

  • Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen

    Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen

  • Angel - Jäger der Finsternis

    Angel - Jäger der Finsternis

  • Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen

    Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen

  • Der sechs Millionen Dollar Mann

    Der sechs Millionen Dollar Mann

  • Lass es, Larry!

    Lass es, Larry!

  • Zwischen den Fronten

    Zwischen den Fronten

  • Die rote Flut

    Die rote Flut

  • Robin Hood - Helden in Strumpfhosen

    Robin Hood - Helden in Strumpfhosen

  • Waterworld


  • Thirteen Days

    Thirteen Days

  • Criminal


  • Ghost Town

    Ghost Town

  • In Cold Blood

    In Cold Blood

  • Price of Glory

    Price of Glory

  • Dr. Scorpion

    Dr. Scorpion

  • Jenseits des Bösen

    Jenseits des Bösen

  • Amy Prentiss

    Amy Prentiss

  • Moonlight


  • Der Gangsterboß von New York

    Der Gangsterboß von New York

  • Stormy Weathers - Eine Detektivin schlägt zurück

    Stormy Weathers - Eine Detektivin schlägt zurück

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